Being at the hospital can be scary, especially when you’re just a kid. Tufts Medical Center tries to make it better for their patients. Painted on their walls are fun characters that introduce these friends called the Toughlings. They wanted them to go beyond simple wall paintings and do more for their little patients, so we helped bring them to life. Using gesture recognition software and the Microsoft Kinect technology, we created an experience that helps encourage kids to get out of bed and play along with their favorite characters. As the Art Director on this project, I storyboarded the Kinect experience, designed the user experience and created the wall art.
Art Direction
Motion Graphics
Interactive Experience
Awards and Recognition:
CADC Gold Award
Art Direction
Motion Graphics
Interactive Experience
Awards and Recognition:
CADC Gold Award
"The Toughlings experience not only helps the child start to move again, it physically helps them get closer to going home. Characters that come to life in an interactive game helps with their healing and their emotional well-being.”
Andrea Colliton
Director of Child-life Services Floating Hospital
for Children at Tufts Medical Center
Director of Child-life Services Floating Hospital
for Children at Tufts Medical Center

With creating the Kentic experience, I animated a few gestures of the Toughlings in After Effects before development. This process helped shape the narrative flow and how the environment would be designed based on each character.

A digital mock-up of the installation was presented to the client. The goal was to show all the new designs for the interactive experience, new wall art and set up all the equipment in actual space in the hospital.